Greetings fellow Empyreans!
There has been a *lot* going on as of late. Since the release of Invasions Chapter 3, there are more things to do than ever before for solo, small and mid-sized and even large gang PvP, PvE and a mix of the two! I am so excited for what all of this means for us as players of EVE Online, but also the Convocation of Empyreans itself. Now more than ever EVE Online needs a visible, positive force for learning and growing new, transitioning, and returning EVE players.
However, with so much going on, it is easy for confusion to take hold. A lot of changes are happening, on top of a lot of changes that were already happening. Ashterothi (the character) has left the Alliance, there seems to be a whole new corporation and discord, and a lack of fleets is causing people to feel listless and antsy.
I hope to clear some of that up here by answering some FAQs
- Have you left us?
No. Heret Kau is my character, and the Executor of the Alliance. Mortis Astarte is my MALRO Director. Ashterothi is meant to swap around as needed, as she has with AIDER in the past.
- But, what is Kybernauts?
With Invasions Chapter 3 we are asked to choose a side. Because this works with standings, we have to choose a side for each character. The EDENCOM side is the same content we have already done, and the pro-Triglavian (called ‘Kybernaut’) side is full of new challenges and puzzles to solve.
- So who runs MALRO?
Pockets does, as always. We have promoted GoJess into COO (Chief Operations Officer) and she has done a stellar job so far. Now that we understand what kinds of systems we want, I am fully confident that our leadership team can make it work far better than I ever could.
- How do I get involved with the Kybernauts?
You can solo Forward Posts, we will be coming out with a guide soon but here is some information: <> . Beyond that, check out <> and the Discord linked there.
- Wait, there is another Discord? Why not just have this in the Convocation of Empyreans?
Because we aren’t the only, or even largest players in this right now. The Triglavian Initiative Discord already exceeds ours in size. For the time being, I am trying to work with the other FCs and leadership involved.
- Are we going to run Invasion fleets like we used to?
Yes! I plan on working this week towards building a Kybernaut doctrine to run the Field Base, which is the equivalent to Major Conduits. The good news is the ISK payout will be 33% better, as it doesn’t give LP.
- But what if I want to run for EDENCOM
We have partnered with Arataka Research Consortium, who runs regular pro EDENCOM fleets. Discord:
- Why haven’t you been streaming?
Between the **Wrecking Machine** , setting up stuff for **Kybernauts** , and our wormhole eviction I have had a lot of things going on that are too sensitive for streaming. I have tried to get on when I can, and I like to spend time with other streamers as well, no man is an island after all. I should be getting back to a more regular schedule shortly, but I always say that ;-)
- Speaking of Wrecking Machine, where's my money???
I have started contracting out the Small Skill Injectors to people who won them. **I need** people to accept contracts quickly, so I can put out more. Additional skill injectors will be available for those who didn’t win, and those we feel deserve particular accolades.
- What happened to the Wormhole? Has Atlantis sunk?
Atlantis is gone, but not forgotten. As I stressed before, we needed to have defenses in place before the problem arrived. Unfortunately due to the real-life riots and other events, most of the leadership within the hole could not respond to the event, and therefore we were incapable of mounting any real response. The *vast* majority of the resources inside were rescued. We do plan on rebuilding Atlantis, now that we know what exactly we want it to look like. This was an experiment, and we gathered lots of valuable information. Atlantis will rise again.
In addition to this, there will also be an update from GoJess, and as always please DM me with any questions or concerns you may have.
- Ashterothi