Monday, February 22, 2021

Feb Update


Greetings fellow Empyreans this is Ashterothi with your weekly update!

While Incursions were very successful, and we expand on supporting many activities at the moment, our main focus right now has been on Guardian Gala sites as they are very good ISK that focus on teamwork. However, this will end tomorrow so the next major event we can expect will be around Easter. If you are interested you can be ready by specifying the "Events" interest area on the website. (

After Guardian Gala is over, our main focus will be ongoing after Rogue Drones, Drifters, and other enemies of all Empyreans. Small gang roams in low-sec, Pochven, and Drifter hives should be developed and expanded upon. This will help us increase combat readiness, diversify activities, and allow us to engage in the bleeding edge of EVE content as a unified force.

We have changed how Standings are done within CoE. +5 (light blue) is given to organizations and individuals that are extended services from CoE, though this does not necessarily mean they will be friendly towards us outside of High-Security Space. +10 (Dark Blue) will be used for political agreements and you are expected to not shoot +10 blues. Likewise, -5 (Orange) means the organization or individual is a known bad actor and therefore should be concerned about suicide ganks and such. -10 is reserved for ongoing hostility or historical blacklisting. All of this can be found on our Notion (

Speaking of which, Notion is being updated almost daily and is quickly becoming THE go-to source for information about EVE Online and the Convocation of Empyreans. Be sure to check there first and come to me (Ashterothi) if there are things missing (especially if you want to help add them in, you will need to make an email for this - I recommend []

Discord is also being updated. As part of my restructuring to organize the game and our organization into activities, services, and locations, the discord will be changing likely this week to reflect this. It should be minor but it will be even more important for you to flag yourself with your interest areas on the website for the Discord to work. I am looking for a Node.JS developer to help me build a couple functions into the bot to make the Discord work even better.

Atlantis is back! Our Highsec static wormhole used for logistical operations has been secured and infrastructure is being moved in now! What this means is everyone will be asked and expected to build blank clones and have them stationed in the wormhole. Expect more information this week, but to be ready you can make your blank clones now and start growing them in Pemene. We will help people get things in and pay attention to Discord for when to do this. All Staff and Mentors should get up to speed with what will be expected so we can execute this quickly and effectively.

That's it for this week. The next Staff meeting will be next Wednesday @0100 EVE Time.