Thursday, September 14, 2017

FEDUP is Triumphant!

What started as a simple field exercise into null security has rapidly escalated into full blown occupation and liberation. As many of you know, thanks to your outstanding efforts, as well as the support of our allies, FEDUP now owns the Assilot constellation in Cloud Ring. With this new territory comes new opportunities, and new challenges. For example, you have been seeing more pings in the main channel. We wanted content, and now we got it. It is up to you to continue to show up, remain motivated, and recruit others. I truly feel we have something good going on here in FEDUP, and I remain committed to bringing our message of fun gameplay of EVE through the lens of service to the Federation to as many as are willing to be a part of our community.

We have a new alt alliance: Intaki Quartermaster Auxiliary Corps [AUXUP]. This alliance functions as a container for all major FEDUP operations that is not part of the active Faction War. This includes our ratting and mining corporations. If you have interest in getting involved with AUXUP contact your leadership in #find-your-purpose.

In a similar vein, our former military director Blastil has returned with a hunger for ‘roids. He is taking over AASPC, the corporation that up until this point has managed our POS reaction farm. With that being phased out this corporation will be repurposed as our mining arm, under Blastil’s command. We already have several refineries purchased, and will have ever growing opportunities for those who enjoy the sound of mining lasers.  

***********CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT*******************************

With all that said, we now need more people! We have an expansion coming, and some of the best content in New Eden. So a recruitment drive! To participate do the following:

  • Make an instant invite that doesn’t expire that links to the public lobby. If you already have one, keep using the one you have
  • Make or commission recruitment posters, videos, anything and use your Discord link.
  • Don’t cheat or try to trick people who are not candidates into clicking a link to get credit.

The top recruiters will each be etched in FEDUP history and honored by the naming of one of our new refineries. On top of this, the winner will be rewarded with 1000 PLEX!

If you are interested in being a full time recruiter, please speak up in #find-your-purpose.

A reminder of the many services we provide to all FEDUP members.

  • LP Buyback program (some corps have their own buyback, contact your CEO first)
    • Remember you can change that hard earned LP into spendable ISK. Send Jay Kuhn a message in game for details.
    • The current rate is now 1100 ISK per LP.  1000 LP = 1.1M ISK.
    • Accepting LP sums up to 500k at a time.
    • Last month over 3M LP was exchanged through the program for ISK.
    • There are also guides now for how to do L3 and L4 missions.
  • PI Buyback program - Buy orders in Tico (Zouren Mamba builds our fuel blocks and needs more PI to fuel our many structures) and access to all of our free planets.
    • Most PI items are on tico buy orders for your convenience.
    • If you make any of these items, and they are not listed as buy in Tico, contact Zouren Mamba direct.
      • Robotics
      • Oxygen
      • Coolant
      • Mechanical Parts
      • Enriched Uranium
    • All Items Zouren places on Buy Back are a little more than Jita buy, so a very little margin of profit is made
    • Also on top of the PI products, Zouren also has a need for ICE products.
      • Heavy Water
      • Liquid Ozone
      • Strontium Clathrates
      • Oxygen Isotopes
    • Ice products at this time are not on Tico buy.  Please contact Zouren via eve mail with quantity and you will be quoted a fair price
  • Discounted hauling of combat equipment into the warzone and null base
  • Always active membership on Discord willing to answer questions or team up for activities
  • BPOs that can be freely copied for basically everything except capitals
  • Opportunities to help the Alliance and make ISK too (see #find-your-purpose on Discord)