Sunday, August 23, 2020

Aug YC 122 Update - Kybernauts and Atlantis

 Greetings fellow Empyreans, what a time to be an EVE player!

Recently, Niarja has fallen to the Triglavians. This was long considered to be the “crown jewel” of the Invasion feature set and represents a massive disruption in trade between Amarr and Jita.

That said, one Empyrean’s loss is another’s opportunity. 

With the separation of Amarr, this gives additional support to Dodixie as a major trade hub, this will likely be handy for our larger efforts, but more on that in the weeks to come.


While it is no secret that I have struggled to find a place for the Kybernauts, and to give it the support it deserves, it was always intended to function as an enabler of Invasion content, more than in competition to be the “best” Triglavian corp. The goal is to have the Kybernauts corp be a kind of “militia corp” for the TTI. To better facilitate this, we are making two big changes:

  1. Senior members of TTI have been brought in as leaders to help manage the corporation

  2. The tax rate has been reduced to 0%

Atlantis and the Future of CoE

One of the major impacts of the last couple weeks of Invasions is that you can no longer be 100% neutral to both EDENCOM and the Triglavians, which means you will be persona-non-grata in at least one of the two kinds of Minor Victories. They have slowed down the lock speed of the dreaded Werposts and Gunstars, but this represents a massive disruption to our hauling services. 

All that said, the solution is simple: we must reestablish our logistical command center in Atlantis. The Atlantis Project is one of the core projects of the Convocation of Empyreans, and is focused on securing a low-class wormhole with a high-security static. Yesterday we began the process of occupying a new Wormhole candidate for the Atlantis Project. 

While everyone in the Alliance will benefit directly or indirectly from Atlantis and its services, if we want to have this incredible opportunity it is up to us all to do what we can to make this happen. 

Yvenaas will be the Director in charge of Atlantis and has taken care of our move-in operations. We have plans and assets in place to allow anyone with a will to help to do so effectively and with minimal personal investment. This is a team effort. 

Thank you all for participating in this, and thank you for an incredible birthday present.